
Screenshot 2021 04 23 at 08.48.19


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

One of our mentors for the marketing team was Henry Lee. Mr. Lee helped us better understand graphic design through the experience that he has and recommended programs for graphic design to use.

Types of communication


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

When we first met with Mr. Lee, we talked about what programs we should use to design the logo, he also gave us feedback on our logo and what we needed to change and what we needed to keep.

Contribution complex like puzzle pictured as word contribution puzzle pieces to show contribution can be difficult 164222204


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

With the help of Mr. Lee we were able to improve our logo to the point where we felt like it was the best it could be.

Screenshot 2021 03 09 at 8.39.46 am


Thursday, May 06, 2021

This was the logo before we got Mr. Lee's help it was blurry and wasn't seen well. After he showed us how to use the websites and helped us change some small things we were able to make it look better.