Written Documentation

Coming. soon. new. collection coming. soon.  3

Research Outline

Friday, December 20, 2019

Attached is my Research Outline.

Research Outline
Coming. soon. new. collection coming. soon.  6


Monday, January 06, 2020

Business Plan

business plan
Coming. soon. new. collection coming. soon.  4

Annotated Bibliography

Monday, January 06, 2020

Attached is my Annotated Bibliography.

Annotated Bibliography
Coming. soon. new. collection coming. soon.  5

Project Description

Monday, January 06, 2020

Sadly, Infrastructure has not been updated in many urban centers for decades. New York City, for example, had an increased commitment of $68.1 billion on infrastructure projects in 2017, with much of these funds going to fixing up old buildings, as well as plans to spend $39 million per station to add wheelchair accessibility to existing subway stations. The problem, in these urban centers, is a lack of forward-thinking.

Future Skies is here to break the boundaries of infrastructure. This firm focuses on creating an ecosystem of infrastructure that not only is more efficient, but easily adaptable to future technologies. It will create and test infrastructure designs that interact with the pre-existing infrastructure positively. This will be done through passive airflow methods and natural lighting, among other modern architectural practices that will support the interdependence of this ecosystem. My company will be directly marketing to government programs, but future skies must also appeal to the citizens who will be indirectly paying for the structures.

My deliverables will include an advanced model of a street with examples of infrastructure interacting with each other, an example of the modular nature of the designs, accurate 3d models and simulations for a specific building, and a well-developed website with multiple building concepts.