Project Idea

Covid 19


Monday, May 25, 2020

With allergy season coming up and the Covid-19 pandemic, many people have been severely affected. The Anemoi UV Air Purifier cleans the air of allergens and harmful viruses to relieve our customers of their symptoms and lowers the chance of becoming infected with the virus. The UV air purifier is breaking the boundaries of virus and allergy prevention by uniquely using UVC light!

Uvc light bulb


Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Anemoi UV Air Purifier is designed to take in air and damage the DNA cells of germs, viruses, and allergens using UVC light, thereby preventing replication which can lead to illness and allergic reactions. By reducing the number of harmful particles in the air the purifier creates a safer, cleaner space. The materials to build an air purifier with UVC air are very accessible and easy to work with.

Uv light kill viruses

Creativity and Innovation

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Ultraviolet purifiers already exist and are used widely to disinfect large areas like airplanes. However, these machines are massive and are, of course, the size of an airplane walkway. The Anemoi UV Air Purifier retains this concept of using ultraviolet light, though it allows for common use rather than commercial use due to its reduced size. People can disinfect their homes like other air purifiers with more efficiency and can transport the purifier easily around the house. This purifier also features a “maze” of filters, making it especially capable at filtering out large particulates.

Uvc light affect of dna

Cross Cutting Concepts

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The UV Air Purifier uses UVC light to kill germs, allergens, mold, and pollen in the air. The purifier sucks in air and the ultraviolet light kills bacteria/allergen cells by damaging their DNA. UV photons cause the nucleotide base pairs in DNA (thymine and adenine, and cytosine and guanine) to react with each other poorly.

When UV photons hit the base pairs (thymine and adenine, and cytosine and guanine) it causes them to function abnormally. This then causes the base pairs to change their order. (For example: (thymine and thymine, or cytosine and adenine). DNA holds information for making new molecules in the order of its base pairs and the rearranging of these pairs ruins the DNA’s information. Without the instructions to properly synthesize new proteins, the bacteria are damaged or “killed.”